The main challenge with ERP is that, no matter how good it is, it cannot address 100% of your organization’s needs. ERP systems have a modular architecture and can be modified as business changes, following the increasing complexity. Therefore, more and more often we can face the situation when companies from SME sector that follow the desire to reduce costs, decide to abandon the idea of developing an ERP application from scratch. Instead they decide to modernize the existing software solution by adding custom-made modules that implement missing features.
Our ERP customization solution operates specifically to suit the needs of your business. This can include anything from adjusting views and screens to changing the information that is displayed for a given group. Our customization can be made according to the specifics of your business, so it can automate manual operations without changing the habitual way of doing things.
Improving system performance
- Usually, customized ERP solutions provide better performance than Off-the-shelf solutions.
Improved user interface
- When you work on a complex task that requires analysing tons of data, the first thing that matters is a properly designed user interface. A user must have the possibility to easily understand what data is displayed on the screen and what’s the purpose of all the controls. We are here to customized ERP solutions to meet the needs of a company, you can be assured that our developers will make the necessary efforts to reach the best user experience.
Tailor the reporting system to your need
- Customized ERP solutions helps to ensure that all department’s activities are monitored by a single or customized reporting system which simplifies the analysis of statistics.
Contact one of our advisors for further information or view rest of our services and solutions.